Are You Chasing the Wrong Goal?

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It’s nice and helpful to set and have goals, but you only accomplish great things and experience tremendous joy when you have the right goals. Take this short 5 question quiz to find out whether you’ve got your sights set on the right, truest, highest goal for yourself.

  1. When you think about your goal, are you eager, excited and willing to take steps and bold actions toward realizing your goal, even when you are afraid?
  2.  If you had to remain anonymous to accomplish your goal, would you still want it? (Think Clark Kent/Superman, Peter Parker/Spiderman- no one knew it was them saving lives; Would you live your dream if no one else could know it was you who did it?)

  3.  Can you identify the core value or guiding principle that reaching your goal represents to you? If you don’t know what a core value is read my previous blog post here.
  4.  If you never pursued your dream goal or gave up pursuing it right now, would you feel a nagging sense of loss, incompletion, regret or dissatisfaction when you look back at your life?
  5.  Do you get lost in or lose track of time when you think about, talk about or are engaged in actions related to your goal?

If you answered no to any of these questions, you may be chasing the wrong goal. The right goal for you should light you up and fuel you forward. When your goal does this, you will naturally develop stick-to-itiveness because the goal sticks to you and not the other way around. Take time to evaluate whether the goal you are chasing is truly the goal for you or just a goal you think you want or think you should accomplish. It will not only save you heartache and disappointment in the long run, it will make the journey to your goal that much sweeter.

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