A little love note, gratitude letter and invitation to you from the bottom of my heart.
After hitting publish on last week’s blog post, I was nervous and a bit regretful about letting it hang out there and sharing exactly what’s going on for me. But, the outpouring of support I received from you assured me — I did the right thing.
It’s so easy to hide our true selves and our real-ness. There is a ton of pressure to save face and put up phony facades to mask our most authentic selves even with the people we love, trust and can help us the most. Am I right? Don’t get me wrong, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with looking fabulous on the outside if that is who you are and that reflects your true essence on the inside. What I’m talking about is actively pretending and hiding what you’re going through when what you actually need and want is support and understanding. When you hide what you want and need from the people who can give it to you, it’s incredibly difficult to actually receive the support you’re longing for. And, without that support, it is virtually impossible to move through what’s going on for you whether it’s getting your footing on new work duties or troubles at home in your relationship. You alone can do it, but you can’t do it alone.
So, I urge you, right now, break it down, be real and reach out to someone you trust because there is strength in vulnerability and freedom in authenticity. I know that first-hand and have been shown that time and time again. Every time I go deep and show a little more, no matter how nervous I am or scary it seems, blessings abound. So, no more hiding, I’m coming out to play with you. Won’t you play with me? Thank you for being there for me and I am honored to be here for you.
I’ll leave you with this beautiful lyric from one of my favorite musicians, Bob Sima (his music is uplifting, inspirational, real, plain ol’ tap your toes and clap your hands good and he’s joining me next week for a Google hangout). He sings, “Right here and now, The realest real can be I’m gonna do my thing and be myself and set the both of us here free. When I show you anything less than my beautiful mess, I lose my authenticity.” I want that freedom for you. Show me your beautiful mess so we can do this thing together and create a life you love living!
With love and gratitude,
Angela – your inspirational transformation coach