Daily Archives: July 9, 2014

John Lennon sang, “you may say that I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” I know Lennon was correct and I’m not the only dreamer. So, where are the rest of you dreamers and want-to-be dreamers? I know you’re out there. If you’re one, can I please get a woot woot?! Jay-Z and Lennon – come on – gotta love that! 😉 Okay, I’m having too much fun today… But, instead of dialing back on the fun, I’m asking you to join me in it. And, I’m totally serious about that – where are all the dreamers?

Remember being told as a child by a parent or teacher that you could be whatever you wanted to be? When did you stop believing that and start believing you are only defined by the roles and labels placed on you? You’re more than a parent, a professional, significant other and all the other roles you play. You know that. And, I know there are bills to pay and stuff that has to get done, but you can’t forget it’s your dreams that propel you onward and upward. It all starts with a dream – all the way from the founding of the United States of America, The Civil Rights Movement right down to the beginning scene of Pretty Woman(remember that movie?) and even the success in my own life. It all started with a dream.

It takes courage to be a dreamer – especially as an adult. I know that first hand – when I share my dreams, I often get awkward silences, strange looks (I don’t have to see it, I can feel a strange look as well as a smile) and plenty of “get reals.” But, you know what? If I took those naysayers’ advice and “got real,” I wouldn’t be an attorney, I wouldn’t own my own home, be a real estate investor, write, speak, coach or share my message, I probably wouldn’t even be alive. These roles really weren’t for me, they only existed in my dreams. I got real and it got me depressed and suicidal. I started dreaming and living into my dream and I got happiness and success. Which do you choose – getting real or dreaming? If you get real, you get what you’ve got or what other people tell you that you can have. If you dream, you get it all because, when you dream and live into that dream, you create your reality.

What’s your dream? I want to know. I want to help you live into it and make it your reality because it is possible. So, please, can I get a woot woot?!
